But hey, wait, If we just rehydrate everything, how are we even saving any weight?
Simple, we have the luxury of camping in an environment with clean water all around us in the form of snow so why bring water with us? Also, for each liter of fuel we carry, we can melt about 17 liters of water depending on the temperature. Pretty good ratio of water to fuel!
And what about the mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in a vegetarian expedition diet?
You need around 15% protein in your diet, a quota which is easily attained by remembering to have some kind of protein-rich legume (dried beans or lentils) or milk product (such as dried feta-cheese) in the daily meals. But remember that even potato contains 10% proteins! The other issue is with fat; most fatty foods are hard to dry. Therefore the best way is to make and bring butter-oil (ghee) to put in the food. This you make by melting butter and filtering out the water. That way you reduce the weight of the butter of 20% (which is its’ water content). Try also to have fatty foods in the evening which leaves a lot of time for metabolism, and carbohydrate-rich foods in the morning when fast energy is needed. Don’t give cheese to someone who has severe hypothermia; it will consume their last energy to be metabolized and they won’t be around to enjoy the long-term energy gain... Instead give them hot drinks and maybe some of the below snacks ;)
